
Dr Dacheng Li has worked as an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor in Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2012, and joined the Power and Control Systems Research Laboratory, University of Warwick in 2019.His research focuses on the intelligent optimisation of energy storage (i.e., Phase Change Materials, Compressed air, Lithium-ion Battery) based …

Combined capacity and operation optimisation for multi-vector …

Dr Dacheng Li has worked as an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor in Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2012, and joined the Power and Control Systems Research Laboratory, University of Warwick in 2019.His research focuses on the intelligent optimisation of energy storage (i.e., Phase Change Materials, Compressed air, Lithium-ion Battery) based …

Multi-vector energy microgrids

Multi-energy microgrid (MEMG) is one of the smaller scale technologies that extend the concept of MG by integrating multiple energy vectors. It has been shown that …

Details of Grant

Summary on Grant Application Form: Electricity and natural gas networks, as two major energy transport infrastructure, have traditionally been planned and operated independently from each other.

Optimal operation of multi-vector energy storage systems with …

The local multi-vector energy system could generate hydrogen by P2G technology. By using the electrolyser in the local multi-vector energy system, the owner of the fuel cell car does not need to find a hydrogen station, which is uncommon, to fill the gas tank. They got easier access to hydrogen in the local community.

Optimal scheduler for energy consumption reduction in multi …

The objective of microgrid operation is to supply the energy demanded by the loads at minimum cost. To achieve this goal, new tools are being proposed in the literature, such as the use of optimal schedulers in the field of multi-vector management systems.

Multi-Vector Energy Systems

This 180-minute workshop entitled "Facilitating Local Multi-Vector Energy Systems with the E-LAND toolbox" explored how Local Energy Systems (LES) pose important challenges in their operation due to their weak interconnection with the bulk power system. One of the goals of the European-funded H2020 project E-LAND is to provide a synergistic solution for optimal …

Modeling multimodal energy systems

State transition functions are nonlinear algebraic functions, which are solved numerically and iteratively with a modified Newton–Raphson method. In a proof-of-concept case study, a scenario shows the expected multi-sector effects …

Planning of Multi-Vector Energy Systems with High Penetration of ...

generator, CHP, transmission lines, and gas pipelines for a multi-vector energy system, and the results showed that the proposed formulation was significantly good for maximizing.

Optimal operation of multi‐vector energy storage systems with …

The local multi-vector energy system could generate hydrogen by P2G technology. By using the electrolyser in the local multi-vector energy system, the owner of the fuel cell car does not need to find a hydrogen station, which is uncommon, to fill the gas tank. They got easier access to hydrogen in the local community.


Models are concrete applications which contain code developed in the Projects and are published e.g. on GitHub. The models shown here are either usable or repositories in development with set up energy systems.

Professor Jianzhong Wu

Prof. Wu specialises in the fields of Smart Grid and Multi-Vector Energy Systems, which encompass integrated energy infrastructures. He is recognised as one of the pioneering researchers who initiated and established the research areas of multi-energy systems and Peer-to-Peer energy trading, which have emerged as two crucial areas of energy research worldwide.

Energy and Buildings

1. Introduction. Electrification of domestic heating and road transport is identified to be feasible and effective for decreasing carbon emissions [1], [2]; however, the process gives rise to considerable electricity demand increase [3].Studies have highlighted that the significant power demand will induce detrimental impacts, especially on distribution networks, and …

A multi vector energy analysis for interconnected power and gas …

The importance of considering the wider, multi vector energy system has been highlighted in [5] where the demand driven gas price had an impact on the ability of gas generators to be competitive in the power market. Significant work has been conducted regarding the ability of one energy system to cope with failures in another.

Modelling, assessment and Sankey diagrams of integrated …

The widespread use of decentralised multi-energy supply solutions such as gas-fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP), heat pumps, gas boilers, and so forth is more and more increasing the linkages between electricity, heat and gas distribution networks.

A multi vector energy analysis for interconnected power and gas …

The first multi vector energy system analysis for Britain and Ireland is performed. Extreme weather driven gas demands were utilised to increase gas system stress. GB gas system is capable of satisfying demand but restricts gas generator ramping. Irish gas system congestion causes a 40% increase in gas generator short run cost.

Multi-vector energy management system including scheduling …

In the context of multi-vector energy management systems, the present work proposes an optimal scheduler based on genetic algorithms to manage flexible assets in the …

A multi-vector community energy system integrating a heating …

6 1.1. An electrified heating network A community energy system comprises an electrified heating network utilising a central ground source heat pump (GSHP) to generate heat, which is then distributed through a low-

Evolution of Integrated Multi-Energy Vector System and …

Evolution of Integrated Multi-Energy Vector System and Innovation Opportunities Abstract: Increasing energy demands and visibly changing climatic conditions have led to various …

Multi-energy systems: An overview of concepts and evaluation …

Multi-energy systems (MES) whereby electricity, heat, cooling, fuels, transport, and so on optimally interact with each other at various levels (for instance, within a district, city or region) …

A comprehensive multi-node multi-vector multi-sector modelling ...

The pathway to net-zero CO 2 emissions requires coordinated efforts in all the energy-consuming sectors, with a strong integration of processes and energy vectors. To replace fossil fuels, renewable energy sources (RES) are expected to experience a massive deployment, making the power generation sector a decarbonisation forerunner.

Levelized Cost of Energy in Sustainable Energy Communities

The main aim of this book is to provide a state of the art of the Levelized Cost of Energy calculation for energy communities from both a theoretical, defining a systematic analysis approach, and a practical point of view, providing results for …


A generic dynamic multi-vector energy system model by linking electricity and gas networks for quantifying the impact of alternative gases and hydrogen on gas pipelines ; Title: Blending H2 into natural gas systems : Description:

Modeling and simulation of multi-vector energy systems

The energetic scenario shows ever growing energy consumptions and the need of an optimal management of different types of energy distributed resources. The synergy among different energy carriers could be exploited to achieve a more efficient use of the resources, an increase of the reliability of the electrical system, a greater integration of renewable generation …

A Unified Solution Framework for Generic Simulation of Multi …

Digital simulation is an effective tool to analyze, design, test and optimize Multi-Vector Energy System (MVES) in a flexible and cost-saving way. This paper explores to realize the joint simulation of multi dynamic physical processes in MVES. The structured modeling technology is adopted to encapsulate each component as a standard module, where the over-detailed …

Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Vector Energy Systems

In this paper a multi-vector energy system simulation environment is presented. Optimal power flow techniques are applied to solve the problem; in particular the optimisation tool is focused on investigating the possibility to obtain a virtuous behavior of distributed resources enabling their participation to network voltage regulation. II.

Multi-vector optimization scheme for distributed components

In this paper, a two-level optimization scheme for a multi-vector optimization is proposed for a group of distributed energy generation units and consumers. The multi-vector …

Planning of Multi-Vector Energy Systems with High …

The process of integrating different energy infrastructure is known as multi-vector energy systems (MESs). This paper reviews different studies on the planning of MESs using the energy hubs...

Modelling, assessment and Sankey diagrams of integrated …

1 1 Modelling, assessment and Sankey diagrams of 2 integrated electricity-heat-gas networks 3 in multi-vector district energy systems 4 Xuezhi Liu and Pierluigi Mancarella 5 School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK 6 [email protected]; [email protected]

Modelling, assessment and Sankey diagrams of integrated …

As the penetration of multi-energy low carbon technologies (such as Combined Heat and Power (CHP), micro-CHP, heat pumps, and so forth) increases, the interactions between electricity, heat and gas networks become tighter, and modelling of Multi-vector (or multi-carrier) Energy Systems (MES) [1] as an integrated whole becomes more important [1], [2], [3], …

Optimal planning and operation of multi-vector energy networks: …

Dr Hamid Hosseini joined Newcastle University in 2017 as a postdoctoral research associate to the EPSRC National Centre for Energy Systems Integration (CESI).. Since joining the team, Hamid has been actively involved in research looking at planning, optimisation and operational analysis of integrated multi-vector energy networks.

Holistic modelling techniques for the operational optimisation of …

398 J. Reynolds et al. / Energy & Buildings 169 (2018) 397–416 Fig. 1. Schematic layout of a multi-vector energy hub. Yellow indicating electricity, red heat, and green gas. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure

Investment planning in multi-vector energy systems: definition of …

H2020 project E-Land develops multiple technical, social and business-related tools for creating and managing multi-vector energy system (MES) [].These MES systems are defined as sector-coupled energy systems, in which multiple energy vectors, i.e. electricity, heat and/or H 2, are interconnected and intertwined.One of the tools developed within the E-Land …

Investigating the Role of Flexibility Options in Multi-vector Energy ...

Energy systems (e.g., gas and electricity systems) include all components designed to supply and deliver energy to the demand centers. Gas and electricity systems deliver a major share of energy to consumers and play a vital role in people''s lives all around the world.