
Bidirectioneel laden. Bidirectioneel laden staat ook wel bekend als de Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technologie en is een innovatief concept. Het stelt de elektrische auto niet alleen in staat om elektriciteit van het stroomnet te halen om hun batterijen op te laden, maar ook om energie terug te leveren aan het stroomnet of aan eigen apparatuur. Het slechte nieuws is dat deze techniek …

De elektrische auto als thuisbatterij

Bidirectioneel laden. Bidirectioneel laden staat ook wel bekend als de Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technologie en is een innovatief concept. Het stelt de elektrische auto niet alleen in staat om elektriciteit van het stroomnet te halen om hun batterijen op te laden, maar ook om energie terug te leveren aan het stroomnet of aan eigen apparatuur. Het slechte nieuws is dat deze techniek …

Elektrische auto

Een elektrische auto kopen is nog niet voor iedereen weggelegd, maar toch groeit het aantal elektrische auto''s in Nederland. De komende jaren zal ook de markt voor tweedehands elektrische auto''s groeien, zeker als na 2030 de verkoop van fossiele brandstofauto''s stopt.

Driver in the Loop: Best Practices in Automotive Sensing and …

The system provides real-time haptic feedback via vibration patches attached to the pedals so that drivers can correct immediately inefficient driver behaviors (harsh breaking, …

Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS)

Dieser speichert bis zu 750 Kilojoule Energie. Die Elektromotoren wiegen zwischen vier und acht Kilogramm bei einer Leistung von maximal 60 Kilowatt. Dank des modularen Aufbaus lässt sich das KERS von Bosch bezüglich Gewicht, Robustheit und Leistungsfähigkeit individuell und damit passgenau für die Anforderungen der jeweiligen Rennserie zusammenstellen.

(PDF) Towards a User-Centered Feedback Design for Smart …

Strengers Y (2011) Designing eco-feedback systems for everyday life. In: Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on human factors in computing systems—CHI ''11.

Vollautomatisches Logistik-System (mit Energie-Feedback)

Hohe Qualität Vollautomatisches Logistik-System (mit Energie-Feedback) de la Chine, Batterie-Test-System ISO9001 EV produkt, mit strenger Qualitätskontrolle EV-Batterie-Test-System ISO9001 usines, hohe Qualität produzieren Ev ISO9001 Batterie-Testgerät produits.

Energy feedback technology: a review and taxonomy …

Feedback is a promising strategy for energy conservation, and many energy feedback products (i.e. technologies with hardware) and platforms (i.e. technologies without hardware) have emerged on the market in recent …

A socially inspired energy feedback technology: challenges in a ...

Feedback Technology (SEET), which is composed of an interactive system to trigger and mediate collective savings and a tangible device as a public feedback. Results of an evaluation situated in the context of a school in a socially disadvantaged area in Brazil are discussed, shedding light on the sociocultural aspects related to the subject ...

Sustainable behavior in motion: designing mobile eco-driving …

Research about the impact of eco-feedback on energy consumption is the basis for designing a mobile eco-driving feedback information system that supports drivers in …

Opladen elektrische auto

Energie opslaan met de elektrische auto (V2H of V2L) Met de technologie Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) of Vehicle-to-Load (V2L) sla je je eigen zonne-energie op in de batterij van de elektrische auto. Op een later tijdstip kun je de zonne-energie dan weer in huis gebruiken. De elektrische auto wordt eigenlijk gebruikt als een grote thuisbatterij.

Consumer Feedback Systems: How Much Energy Saving Will …

feedback system, the user needs to have their home connected to a central device or web application, being able to control remotely at an appliance level the functionalities of the home, while having the ability even to receiving pricing signals and utility load control. These types of

An overview of driver feedback systems for efficiency and safety

Driver feedback systems have the potential to improve driving safety and efficiency by providing instructions to drivers aimed at improving their driving style. There is …

Autos & Energies Sàrl

A&E est active dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables depuis de nombreuses années. Son directeur P. Scholl a mené des PV dès 1985. Pour le solaire thermique l''entreprise livre des installations complètes incluant chaudière ou PAC.

What motivates people to use energy feedback systems? A …

The feedback system encompassed electricity metering devices in all participating households. Meters were connected via various communication technologies (narrowband PLC, GSM, broadband PLC) to data concentrators, which communicated with the back-end system of the utility via IP. The feedback web-portal ran on a server of the utility and …

Elevator Regenerative Energy Feedback Technology

Plug-in energy feedback system is based on AC-DC-AC traction control system, with energy feedback device in parallel with the DC bus, and re verses the regenerated power from the DC bus to the ...

Design of intelligent energy feedback system for electric vehicle ...

In this paper, the intelligent energy feedback system for electric vehicle braking is designed based on fuzzy control algorithm, and the electro-hydraulic composite braking force distribution fuzzy …

Designing community-scale energy feedback

Energy systems are evolving from large scale, centralized networks to decentralized, community-scale energy systems, within which citizens are expected to have much more central and proactive roles.

Eco | Energie

Eco State-of-the-art thermodynamic solar system, specially designed for domestic water heating. The ideal solution for your home. Available with capacities of 250 to 500 litres. Version with 1 or 2 thermodynamic solar panels and water heaters equipped with or without an additional coil Cylinder available in enamelled or stainless steel. Call us View Brochure EFFICIENCY […]

The Longitudinal Effect of Digitally Administered …

Digitally administered driving feedback systems may be helpful to contribute to this objective and speed up the process, but it remains unclear how feedback influences eco-driving in a setting where drivers have no …

What motivates people to use energy feedback systems? A …

The role of energy system fault identification is highlighted by many interviewees, where the feedback displays provide the means to monitor system performance, identify system failures and ...

Driver Feedback Systems in Hybrid Cars: A Comprehensive Guide

Driver feedback systems in hybrid cars are designed to optimize fuel efficiency by providing real-time information to drivers on their driving behavior and its impact on energy …

Vollautomatisches Logistik-System (mit Energie-Feedback)

Hohe Qualität Vollautomatisches Logistik-System (mit Energie-Feedback) Fabrik de la Chine, Vollautomatisches Logistik-System (mit Energie-Feedback) Produktmarkt, Mit strenger Qualitätskontrolle EV-Batterie-Test-System usines, Hohe Qualität produzieren EV-Batterie-Test-System produits.

An Overview of Driver Feedback Systems for Efficiency and Safety

The objective here is to find an energy -efficient speed profile that reduces energy consumption while ensuring t he safety of the driver. The approaches to derive energy efficient speed profiles can be broadly categorize d as optimal approaches and heuristic approaches. While most of

Startseite | Autoenergiecheck

Energie 360, BKW und Agrola sind drei Schlüsselakteure, die sich aktiv für den Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur einsetzen und innovative Lösungen anbieten. Elektromobilität in Garagen ... Herzlich willkommen auf autoenergiecheck , …

Intuitively understand feedback control systems

The basic principle of control engineering is to feed back an output signal of the controlled system (process variable) to an input signal of the controlled system (manipulated variable) via a …

A review of residential energy feedback studies

More recently, solar PV and battery systems provide additional forms of feedback about how much energy they are producing and storing, and how much energy they are selling back to the grid [21,22]. With these changes in energy technologies, the purpose of feedback has shifted in recent years from an overall energy efficiency mechanism (e.g. to ...

Produits | AEC Autoenergie

Coordonnées. 70, Omer Deserres Blainville (Québec) J7C 5V6. Tél : (450) 434-1555 Fax : (450) 434-5999 info@autoenergie

3DLP Auto Feedback Home | Interactions Auto Feedback

Evaluating Effects of Student Automatic Feedback Aligned to a Learning Progression to Promote Knowledge-In-Use (Auto Feedback 3DLP ) examines the effect of an assessment system that automatically generates feedback based on students'' open-ended assessment responses in chemistry and physics.The assessments and feedback are consistent with a previously …

Experimental Research on Braking Feedback and …

This paper took a new energy vehicle feedback system as the research object, aiming to study the energy recovery law of the new energy vehicle under braking feedback and taxiing feedback conditions. Firstly, the …

An overview of driver feedback systems for efficiency and safety

This paper presents the design of an Eco-Driving Assistant System (EDAS) in which the main goal is to minimize the energy use of battery electric vehicles, in particular, …

Energy Feedback Systems: Evaluation of Meta-studies on energy …

Energy Feedback Systems: Evaluation of Meta-studies on energy savings through feedback. The Energy Efficiency Directive, in its Articles 9 to 11 focuses on the availability of accurate, up to date information to be provided to final energy consumers in a cost-effective way. The present study proposes a literature review on existing studies