
The motion of a fullerene (C60) on 5 different types of graphyne is studied by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations and compared with former studies on the motion of C60 on graphene. The motion ...

Diffusion and self-assembly of C60 molecules on monolayer graphyne ...

The motion of a fullerene (C60) on 5 different types of graphyne is studied by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations and compared with former studies on the motion of C60 on graphene. The motion ...

Graphene for Energy Storage and Conversion: …

2D graphene materials possess excellent electrical conductivity and an sp2 carbon atom structure and can be applied in light and electric energy storage and conversion applications. However, traditional methods of …


(sp 2sp)π,。,,,。,, ...

Three crystal structures of graphyne (a) α-graphyne (b) β-graphyne …

23 Both b-graphyne and g-graphyne have sp-sp, sp-sp 2 and sp 2 -sp 2 hybridization bonds, of which g-graphyne has shorter bond lengths and thus larger Young''s modulus. 23 They showed that ...

A review of graphynes: Properties, applications and synthesis

Graphyne, a kind of sp-sp 2 hybrid all-carbon two-dimensional material, is currently one of the most interesting carbon allotropes besides graphene. It has potential applications and characteristic properties because of its unique electronic structure. First,the concept and properties of graphyne are summarized, then the characteristic properties of …

(PDF) Conceptual DFT Reactivity Descriptors Computational …

Allotropes of carbon such as graphene, graphane, fluorographene, doped graphene with N, B or P, graphene oxide, graphyne, and graphdiyne were studied through conceptual DFT reactivity descriptor ...

Graphynes: indispensable nanoporous architectures …

Graphyne frameworks possessing sp and sp 2 hybridized carbon atoms offer a variety of uniformly distributed nanoporous architectures for applications ranging from water desalination, gas separation, and energy storage to catalysis. …

Graphene: 20 years of a ''miracle'' made in Manchester

Graphene is a single atomic layer of graphite, the carbon mineral found in the tip of pencil, arranged like honeycomb in a hexagonal lattice. Stronger than steel and more conductive than copper ...

Aqueous proton-selective conduction across two-dimensional graphyne ...

Graphyne in aqueous environment. Most application scenarios of proton-exchange membranes in energy devices are in aqueous environments at room temperature, where protons mainly exists in the form ...

The Accelerating World of Graphdiynes

The history of GDYs is summarized, including their relationship with 2D graphyne carbons and yearly publication trends. GDY is a molecule-based nanosheet woven from a molecular monomer, hexaethynylbenzene; thus, it is synthesized by bottom-up approaches, which allow rich variation via monomer design. The GDY family and the synthetic procedures ...

Graphyne and Graphdiyne: Promising Materials for …

Ab initio first-principles calculations were carried out to investigate lithium-dispersed two-dimensional carbon allotropes, viz. graphyne and graphdiyne, for their …

First-principles study on the structural and electronic ...

First-principles calculations have been employed to reveal the structural and electronic properties of bilayer γ-graphyne, which were performed using the Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) package within the density functional theory (DFT) approach [].The DFT calculations were based on a plane wave expansion with a cutoff of 52 Ry for the kinetic …

New materials graphyne, graphdiyne, graphone, and graphane: …

Graphyne ribbons with finite width have been investigated using first principle calculations and it has been shown that graphyne nanoribbons have band gaps in the semiconductor range, from 0.59–1.25 eV for ribbons having widths of 1 repeat unit to 8 repeat units. 62 An investigation has shown the band gap of infinite sheets of graphyne to respond to …

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Synthesis of γ-graphyne using dynamic …

a, Optical microscopy of the as-synthesized γ-graphyne on 100 nm SiO 2 /Si. Inset: corresponding AFM image showing the step height. b, The experimental WAXS pattern of bulk γ-graphyne (black ...

On the characterization of γ-graphyne | Nature Synthesis

The Article 1 by Zhang, Zhao and co-workers describes a purported synthesis of γ-graphyne, an sp–sp 2-hybridized carbon allotrope 2, via alkyne metathesis.We argue that the characterization of ...

Progress in energy-related graphyne-based materials: …

Progress in energy-related graphyne-based materials: advanced synthesis, functional mechanisms and applications Y. Gong, L. Shen, Z. Kang, K. Liu, Q. Du, D. Ye, H. Zhao, X. A. Sun and J. Zhang, J. Mater. …

Graphynes and Graphdiynes for Energy Storage and …

As emerging carbon-based low-dimensional materials, graphyne family members (GYF), represented by graphdiyne, have a wide range potential applications due to their superior physical and chemical properties.

Graphyne — Wikipédia

Graphyne-n variétés, où n indique le nombre de triples liaisons carbone-carbone dans une liaison entre deux hexagones adjacents.Le graphyne est un allotrope du carbone.Sa structure est similaire à celles du graphène ou du graphane, c''est-à-dire un monofeuillet d''atomes de carbone liés par liaisons sp 2 d''un atome d''épaisseur. Il peut être vu comme un réseau de cycles …

Graphene Properties, Synthesis and Applications: A Review

The number of layers of graphene regulates the different properties. SLG and BLG are zero band gap semiconductors owing to the encounter of the conduction and the valance bands at the Dirac points. 26 A band gap can be opened in BLG by the application of an electric field. 27 Furthermore, for FLG, the structure becomes more metallic with increasing layers. 28 …

Graphynes: Electronic Properties, Synthesis, and Applications in ...

With the development of energy-storage and conversion technology and pollution degradation technology, it is important to develop a low-cost and mass-produced catalyst with high catalytic activities. Graphynes are two-dimensional carbon materials made of sp and sp2 hybrid carbon atoms in accordance with certain rules. Theoretical calculations indicate that …

Exploring the Potential of Chemically Modified Graphyne

Graphyne is a two dimensional carbon allotrope that combines sp- and sp 2 - hybridizations of carbon atoms in one structure [] was theoretically predicted to exist in numerous modifications with varying sp- to sp 2 - atoms ratio (eta ={N}_{sp}/{N}_{sp2}) [] The three configurations that possess the same p6m space group symmetry as graphene and are …

Finite Element Modelling and Mechanical Characterization of Graphyne ...

Then, Section 3 describes the proposed FE model of a graphyne sheet (regarding the fact that many possible structures of graphyne could be assumed, γ-graphyne will be adopted for the present computational study; in Sections 3 and 4, we shall designate γ-graphyne simply as graphyne; hence, this work seeks to provide a new path to analyze this promising carbon …

A review of graphynes: Properties, applications and synthesis

3.2.6 Li + storage performance of graphyne As a carbon material, graphyne possesses high mobility and high Li + storage capability, which makes it to be one of the best …

Graphene footprints in energy storage systems—An overview

Progress in technological energy sector demands the use of state-of-the-art nanomaterials for high performance and advanced applications [1].Graphene is an exceptional …


Graphene is a two-dimensional material consisting of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb structure. Its properties include high strength and good conductivity of heat and ...

Thermal transport in graphyne nanoribbons

Graphyne has a Poisson''s ratio of 0.417 and an in-plane stiffness of 10.36 eV/Å2. Compared with graphene, graphyne is much softer because of its relatively smaller number of bonds. The band ...

Density functional theory study on structural and mechanical …

In the present work, structural and mechanical properties of T-graphene and R-graphyne were studied and compared with that of graphene. Cohesive energy, in-plane stiffness, Poisson''s ratio, and in-plane bulk modulus were calculated based on density functional theory. It was found that absolute values of cohesive energy, in-plane stiffness, and bulk modulus of T …

Advances on Graphyne‐Family Members for Superior …

1 Introduction. Graphyne-family members (GFMs) are a series of 2D carbon allotropes, consisting of one-atom-thickness sheets topologically similar to graphene (GR) and graphenederivatives (GRDs). [] GFMs present a unique atom arrangement with sp- and sp 2-hybridizations of carbon bonds periodically distributed in a 2D planar honeycomb-like …


The National Graphene Institute (NGI) A hotbed of the latest thinking into how graphene can change the world, the NGI boasts ultra-high-spec facilities for nanoscale and characterisation projects.

A review on the synthesis, properties, and applications of …

We methodically compiled the synthesis of graphyne and its family, their structural, mechanical, band, electrical transport, and thermal properties, as well as some of …

Angewandte Chemie International Edition

γ-Graphyne (GY), an emerging carbon allotrope, is envisioned to offer various alluring properties and broad applicability. While significant progress has been made in the synthesis of GY over recent decades, its widespread application hinges on developing efficient, scalable, and accessible synthetic methods for the production of GY and its derivatives.

Graphynes as emerging 2D-platforms for electronic …

Among all the 2D-carbon materials, graphyne is currently one of the most interesting carbon allotropes besides graphene. It has potential applications in a wide variety of scientific fields owing to its unique sp–sp 2 hybrid network, …